Saturday, June 27, 2009

Swine Flu


Swine Flu becomes an epidemic. Swine Flu becomes the newest fad. Swine Flu is blown out of proportion and hypochondriacs go wild!

Obama's Help


Obama says he can help our government recover with his new policies and ideas. He can help recoup some of the losses incurred by Bush's reign.

Reps v Dems


The democrats had the power to take over health care policies with a majority while the Republicans could do nothing about it. Trouble in bipartisanship never ends well.

Hot Obama


Obama is seen as a hot President. Wonder what the media would have said about McCain if he'd made it to the Oval Office?

Obama and Chavez


Obama is criticized for being too friendly to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who's thought to be an evil dictator. Obama, however, was only being a prudent President and avoiding as much political dissension as he could. The media blew his amicability out of proportions.



The Somalian pirates continued to fail at their terrorism attempts on the ship, the USS Boxer. They couldn't hold up against the American forces. What were they to do?

Obama Surprise!


Obama makes a surprise visit to Iraq. Even as a surprise, it doesn't appear to be the safest of things to do on entering office.

Obama is like...?


Obama continues to be compared with numerous past presidents, but there's never one that fits. That's because Obama marks a change in the American attitude. He represents hope for the average American and seems like he has the world to fix...much like Jack Bauer in 24. Always saving the world.

Obama's Victory Dance


Obama gets support from NATO for his strategy in Afghanistan. As relatively new to the White House, each bit of support for his policies helps. I'd like to think he celebrates these small victories.

Obama and the Queen of England


Obama visits the Queen and brings an ipod for a present. He assumes the Queen is not so technologically advanced in her interests. But he doesn't know her. For all he knows, she could love playing Xbox.