Barack Obama has campaigned for change and yet he appointed Rahm Emanuel for his chief of staff, a known member of Clinton's administration. How much change is there really going to be?
Colin Powell, while a Republican, endorsed Obama. At once putting Obama in the spotlight for the press for the weekend, leaving poor ol' McCain sad in his shadow...ahhhhh (haha!)
10/12/08 McCain's supporters were getting angry at his rallies. He said he was angry too! But he went on to argue that it wasn't anger at Obama. Then why did he then talk about things that Obama is doing wrong?
9/28/08 McCain and Obama had their debate, and McCain said a lot of things that weren't factually correct. Obama had to continually defend himself. Please, McCain, what the hell are you saying?
9/11/08 McCain and Obama came to campus and I did this cartoon for the special political supplement. Hopefully they saw it! I tried to make fun of the terrible bipartisanship.
April 22nd, 2008 NY Comic Con happened this past weekend, and the Mighty Marvel Kids panel was great. Giarrusso, Eliopoulos, Van Lente, and a couple others including their editor, Nate Cosby- whom I worked with at Marvel!- were like their own comedy show. Shout out to them right here.
April 21st, 2008 Hillary and Obama launched new negative ad campaigns. In Hillary's, she quotes Harry S. Truman, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." How fitting for her campaign.
April 19th, 2008 Mitt Romney started berating Obama harshly while also trying to get in John McCain's favor to run for vice president. Wonder what Romney's motivations for attacking Obama are...?
March 9th, 2008 Bush refused to give up the American tradition of water-boarding in order to combat terrorism. Fight terrorism with torture, that's humane...
April 15th, 2008 McCain has proposed a new approach to fixing the economy. He plans to cut a bunch of IRS rules out and let the tax-payer decide which system to use- the IRS' HUGE book of rules, or his little nice one. Good idea....?
April 7, 2008 Hillary came out with her infamous 3am phone call ad and got a lot of negative feedback. The stock market closes at 4pm so why would she be taking care of the economy at 3am? Her message was unclear and not well thought through.
April 1st, 2008 Obama began heavily campaigning in Pennsylvania, advocating change. However, for some of the blue collar workers, change doesn't mean anything good. Change, for them, could put them in an even worse situation, at least financially.
March 25th, 2008 To celebrate Easter, it's fun to play with old sayings. Plus, this could also apply to certain political situations...cough cough Hillary cough cough.
March 4th, 2008 Hillary Clinton made a whole host of public appearances, trying hard to grab some last votes before Ohio and Texas. Guess it worked...sadly.
March 2nd, 2008 Hillary Clinton had a "surprise" appearance on Saturday Night Live on March 1st. It appeared to be a completely desperate move to get last minute votes....guess it worked in Ohio and Texas...
February 27th, 2008 Barack Obama has almost enough Secret Service Agents to protect a sitting president. When asked about his safety, he said, "it's not something I think about day to day." Really?
February 27th, 2008 Howard Dean accused McCain of illegal campaign financing. However, Dean did the same thing, but had a signed letter saying he could do it. Dean said that McCain's only excuse was "he did it too!"
February 20th, 2008 Mike Huckabee said that "my faith is my life-- it defines me" on his website. So what else is there to him? Why is he still in the race when he's so far behind?
February 17th, 2008 With Clinton and Obama so close in the race, suddenly Obama swept in and got a lead on her. She'd been the slow and steady type so far, but now Obama became the fast one!
February 14th, 2008 So Mike Huckabee stayed in the Republican race for the presidential nomination...but there's not much to him. Even Colbert, Stewart, and Conan fought over who created him. Blahhh
January 30th, 2008 With the media in a frenzy over Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan, no one seemed to care very much that John Edwards was dropping out of the presidential race. Maybe because he's too bland?
January 15th, 2008 At this point, Dennis Kucinich, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards were going all over the place to get support for their campaigns. What about those Republicans?
January 15th, 2008 Barack and Clinton were battling it out while Bush did his own thing. And of course, Gossip Girl, the teen tv-show, was flying high in ratings. It seemed like Obama and Hillary were back in puberty, acting high on emotion.
November 17th, 2007 Bush always seems to be reading from a script, even if he's just speaking casually. He always repeats the same worn-out phrases, and with the writer's strike going on, it seemed to be an odd parrallel. If only his writers would go on strike, what would he say?
November 11th, 2007 The writers' strike hit and that was all anyone could talk about. The public's attention was diverted from Bush, which I'm sure he didn't mind.
October 28, 2007 Barack Obama was gaining the public's good opinion while Bush remained low in the polls. It was almost comical how strikingly different they were.
October 10, 2007 Bush's administration was going through some intense staff firings and hirings. It was almost like he needed Craigslist to fill up all the positions.